
Friday, November 18, 2016

VIDEO: Large and militant rally by KKE in Athens honoring the 43rd anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising

The demonstration in Athens was attended by the General Secretary of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas who made the following statements:

"The best honor for the Polytechnic (Uprising) is the continuation of the struggles against all governments which have voted memorandums, which have voted and vote antipeople-antiworker measures, such as the current SYRIZA-ANEL government, those who are the actual forgers of the Polytechnic's struggles and of course all the previous governments of New Democracy and PASOK.

The best honor is the continuation of the struggle against the capitalist system which brings crises, wars, poverty and unemployment. It is the struggle against all imperialist organisations and unions, such as the IMF, the EU, NATO, until the Greek people and all the people of the world come to power".

Other demonstrations, organised by KKE, KNE and PAME, on the occasion of the 43 years since the Polytechnic Uprising took place in Greece's second largest city, Thessaloniki, as well as in numerous other cities and towns.